The Top 5 Non-Christian-Yet-Christian Movies of All Time

I am unashamed to say that I think movies are a far better entertainment medium than books.  Movies are alive; books are stale.  You can eat with two hands while you watch a movie.  Ever try eating a bowl of cereal while reading a book?  It is not possible…unless you want poor Frodo covered with sludgy milk or grape nuts. 

I love to watch movies!  But while I watch movies a lot, I don’t watch a lot of movies.  What I mean is: I watch a very small set of movies multiple times.  And the reason that I don’t watch many new movies is because I think most movies that Hollywood produces suck.  I mean, they suck in multiple ways: They are boring, they show unnecessarily graphic content, or they are just plain uninspiring. 

And yet: By accident or Providence, once in a while Hollywood produces a movie that genuinely inspires me in a thrilling and entertaining way, and doesn’t force me to work through a lot of sludge in the process.  And often these movies have Christian themes, even though they aren’t made by Christians and don’t explicitly advertise Christianity.

And here I rate my favorite movies of all time that have Christian themes, but aren’t necessarily explicitly Christian.  The criteria for inclusion on this list are shamelessly personal.  I want to be clear that I am not attempting some kind of intellectual, doctrine-based analyses of these movies.  What I am really doing in these ratings is saying that these movies inspired me to know Christ in some very real and tangible way.  That they make me, personally, want to become a better Christian.  That in some way I identify with something in the movie that seems to illustrate my own journey to Christ.

Thus, this list is necessarily quite egocentrically sloppy; it is like looking at the collection of items in my room and having me talk at random about them.  I would also like to point out that I am certainly NOT saying that the inspiring themes claimed herein are uniquely Christian.  Loving your neighbor is most certainly a Christian theme, but of course I’m not claiming that only Christians teach that theme. 

Movies move up on this list to the degree that they inspire me in my walk with Christ, to be a better person.  They move down on the list to the degree that they have lewdness (especially), violence (to a lesser degree), or are just plain boring.  

With those qualifications, here is my list of the best non-Christian Christian movies of all time.  Next week, I discuss the best Christian Christian movies of all time, and the following week the best movies of all time that I like even though they have no meaning whatsoever.


1. Beauty and the Beast

Why I like it: This movie is one of the most beautiful fairy tales ever.  And it’s quite personal to me, because it is essentially the story of my life – in parable form.  For I was the Beast: A spoiled, ungrateful, selfish, terrible person.  And this movie shows what it is that truly changes people like me.  Because Someone, against all hope, started to love me anyway, and taught me that there is something worth living for in this dark and bitter world.  And that’s what happened to the Beast in the movie. 

Plus, this movie is funny and entertaining, has some of the best music ever, and is just a visual treat (even in today’s CGI world, it holds its own).  And that’s not to mention the obviously Christian theme of it’s what’s on the inside of a person (or talking candlestick or dish or clock) that counts.

What I don’t like about it: It’s kinda dark and scary, so despite its status as a kids’ movie, I’d be careful about letting kids watch it.  But mostly my main problem is with Lumiere’s (the candlestick’s) attitudes and behaviors towards the “women” in the show.  He is depicted as a major force for good in the movie, and yet he obviously lusts after women, and this is never viewed as a bad thing.  So let’s be clear: I rate this movie as #1 in spite of this quality that, to me, is deeply offensive.  (I’d also note that it comprises about 30 seconds total of actual movie time).

2. The Sound of Music

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What I don’t like about it: Absolutely nothing!

3. The Iron Giant

Why I like it: This is the best movie on earth that no one has heard about.  [Note: If you haven’t seen it, don’t read any further – go rent it RIGHT NOW!  I’m about to talk about the plot in a way that may give it away a bit]. It is a beautiful parable of human life.  A giant robot falls to earth and gets a bump on his head that makes him forget who he is and what he was made for.  A child befriends him, and the robot turns out to be kind and gentle and caring.  Only everyone discovers that the robot, pre-bump-on-the-head, was actually made to be a killing machine.  And the movie is mostly about the robot having to decide between his old self (the killing machine) and his new self (the one who befriended the little boy).  The classic choose-your-destiny film: But I think the actual choice that we all, at some level, have to make, is accurately and beautifully portrayed.

What I don’t like about it: I honestly can’t think of anything.  It has a couple of half-curse words, maybe.  It’s also a little slow to get started and doesn’t have a ton of action, so if you are expecting an edge-of-your-seat thriller, you’ll be disappointed. But watch it anyway!  I don’t like “slow” movies, either, but this one is worth it.

4.  Finding Nemo.

Why I like it:  Seriously, you don’t need me to tell you why I like this movie, do you?  I like it for the same reasons everyone else does. I would add that it’s a kind of Christian parable of sorts to me, about a father who traverses the ocean to find his lost son. But even as a story of a clownfish father trying to find his clownfish son, it’s an inspiring tale of love and devotion.

What I don’t like about it: There is nothing not to like about this movie!  Shame on you if you put anything in this box.

5. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Why I like it: The fairy tale world of Tolkien is one of the most engaging things humanity has ever produced, and this movie captures it better than I could have ever imagined. The whole idea of the Ring is a captivating parable for the nature of evil.  I think this movie shows the essence of good and evil quite clearly, and captures the nature of the moral choices we all face between love versus power, courage versus cowardice, and hope versus despair.  The ring is a great metaphor for me personally for the real temptations I face in my own life.

But for all that, it is Gandalf’s character – a kind of Christ-like figure – that is the most captivating thing about the movie.  He is a wonderful picture of wild, untamable goodness.  And my personal favorite scene is when Gandalf fights the Balrog to save his friends – very powerful. 

What I don’t like about it: A little too much wanton violence.  I understand it’s about wars and such, but do I really need to see so many orcs get decapitated on screen?  Also, it is possible to read too much into the movie about a kind of national myth of goodness (that is, our nation is always good, and their nation is always evil).  I think that’s dangerous, though I’d add I also don’t think it was the intent of the book – or the movie.

The Best of the Rest (In Order of Preference):  6. The Incredibles. 7.  Anne of Green Gables (yes, I am unashamed to include this movie, fellows). 8. Evelyn. 9. Cars. 10. Sense and Sensibility. 11. Tangled. 12. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. 13. Shadowlands. 14. Somersby. 15. Leap of Faith. 16. Secretariat. 17. Treasure Planet. 18. MegaMind. 19. Anna and the King. 20. Mulan. 21.  Iron Man. 22. Les Miserables. 23. X-Men. 24. Toy Story 3. 25. Kung Fu Panda. 26. Toy Story 2. 27. Kung Fu Panda II. 28. Horton Hears a Who. 29. How to Train Your Dragon. 30. Emma. 31. Monsters, Inc. 32. Astro Boy. 33. I Am Legend. 34. Tall Tale. 35. Conspiracy Theory. 36. Tarzan.  37. The Lion King. 38. The Battle for Terra. 39. Mars Needs Moms. 40. Emma. 41. The Ultimate Gift. 42. Batman Begins. 43. Fantastic Mr. Fox. 44. The Dark Knight.

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11 Responses to The Top 5 Non-Christian-Yet-Christian Movies of All Time

  1. It’s always fun to make, and to compare, “best of” lists–best movies, best albums, best songs, best books, etc. Such lists are always quirky and idiosyncratic, reminding us that “de gustibus non disputandum” or something like that. My two comments on your list are: (1) I’m surprised that “Conspiracy Theory” is on it, though that may simply indicate that although I saw it, I don’t remember it all that well; and (2) “The Sound of Music” is at the top of my list of movies that I will avoid at all costs–but I’m sure that says more about me than about you or about the movie itself.

    I like the idea of listing movies that inspire one to be a better person (which I’ve admittedly paraphrased so that it can apply us non-Christians as well), and in that spirit I’ll share a few of my all-time favorites: “E.T.” / “To Kill a Mockingbird” / “Billy Budd” (early 1960′s version of Melville’s story, with Terrence Stamp in the title role) / “The Natural” (which of course isn’t really about baseball, but about temptation, hubris, sin and redemption; and it was filmed in Buffalo NY, my long-time home city) / “The Fisher King,” Terry Gillliam’s film with Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, which is almost unbearably dark but ultimately uplifting. I’d also add a couple of Bill Murray films, “Scrooged” and “Groundhog Day,” both of which have the same basic plot: Bill Murray plays an insufferable jerk who learns, the hard way, to be a decent human being. Finally, the surprisingly touching “Family Man,” with Nicholas Cage (whose career has been a case study in how to squander your talent, but who has managed to make the occasional decent film), and Kevin Spacey’s off-beat “KPAX,” (or is it “K-PAX”?), in which psychiatrist Jeff Bridges unravels his patient’s dark and troubled past only to find that he may not have explained everything after all. Oh wait, maybe I should add “Benny and Joon,” and maybe…no, I’ll stop. Of compiling lists there is no end…

  2. The Apologetic Professor says:

    Thanks for the comments! Yes, I gotta admit that I actually just enjoy making lists and reading other people’s lists of favorite things. I enjoyed your additions very much, some of which I’ve seen, and some I haven’t. A couple of comments:

    I LOVED Groundhog Day (haven’t seen the other Murray movie you mentioned), and it almost did make this list. I think it suffered from the fact that I saw it a LONG time ago and just don’t remember if it inspired me or not; but it was definitely a great movie with a positively moral plot. (I also liked “What about Bob” a lot, too — though it has a different sort of plot and is probably more funny than inspiring).

    About Conspiracy Theory: It was a close call whether it made this list or the (forthcoming) “meaningless but entertaining” list. I ultimately put it here for two reasons (besides being a generally great movie): (1) I like how the only reason this trained and brainwashed killer ever gets out of the whole killing business is because he found something (or someone) to love; I like how it causes him to lose everything and be incorrectly tagged as crazy; and I like how it all comes right in the end. I think as a story, it’s really cool and touching, but as a parable, it is kind of inspiring to me. I think love motivating us to see beyond our own selfishness and sin is a great theme. (2) I like how everything in the movie is kind of “fake” except the crazy guy and Julia Roberts’ character. My favorite line is the very last one in the movie, where someone says to Gibson’s character that “no one was what they seemed to be,” and he looks at Julia Roberts and says “except her.” And I can identify with that. (Not about Julia Roberts — I mean as a kind of parable).

    I also liked “To Kill a Mockingbird,” but it’s a little too 1950-ish for my tastes in terms of the story-telling and plot (and also I’m not sure it does justice to one of the greatest books ever). My main memory of “ET” is that ET was loveable and endearing and that the scene at the end creeped me out — but there is no denying that it’s a cool movie.

    Fun stuff! Much more entertaining than epistemology.

  3. Carolyn Centilli says:

    Son, with your extensive vocabulary, I know you could have found a better word to use than the “s” word. Much less use it twice,

  4. The Apologetic Professor says:

    Thank you so much for your complimentary message! I have worked very, very hard over the years to improve my vocabulary and so it is very gratifying that someone noticed.

    As for your fair critique, I would say your approach was flaccid and jejune, but only (I assume it goes without saying) in an exiguous sort of way. Thanks for writing in!

  5. Kathrene Conway says:

    Luke, be nice! That message will take her four hours with the dictionary, and she still may not get it……..

  6. The Apologetic Professor says:

    OK, OK, OK…how about this for being “nice”:

    “Carolyn, I am deeply sorry to have offended you with my coarse language. But I must confess that it seems a little bit picky to care about my use of the word ‘sloppy.’ Really – ‘sloppy’? I mean, here in Montana we are proud to use bold words like ‘sloppy.’

    Or perhaps you meant another ‘s’ word? If so, you’ll have to more clearly state which one you meant. I hope you note that this (quite cleverly, if I do say so myself) puts you in a bind from which there is no escape – either you must give up your tyrannical assault on ‘s’ words, OR state the forbidden word yourself. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    [The Apologetic Professor does not condone the use of an evil laugh].”

    I added that last part about not condoning the evil laugh to make it more “nice.” What do you think?

  7. Kathrene Conway says:

    I don’t think it was the word sloppy to which she objected. I think it was the word “shame.” After all, you are okay and I am okay and Mom is okay.

    If you truly wanted to pick on her, you could tease her about her sentence fragment which she ends with a comma! It isn’t like she has a Masters in Education or taught grammar or anything…..

  8. Carolyn Centilli says:

    Ok, you know which “s” word I am referencing. Your article had nothing to do with using a vacuum cleaner or a nursing baby! As far as typos go, I’m stilling having trouble with the keyboard on this new iPad. At least at 60, I’m still trying new things. Hey, I read blogs even when I have to use the dictionary.

  9. The Apologetic Professor says:

    I am still trying to figure out how the person who told me to “be nice” is the one who is telling Carolyn that she’s grammatically incompetent. But I digress. I’ll let you two work that one out. As should be obvious to any objective reader, Kathrene, the three of us are clearly not all “ok.” So if that was Carolyn’s problem, the evidence to the contrary is staring everyone in the face. For shame!

  10. The Apologetic Professor says:

    Carolyn: Oh, no, you are not going to get out of the trap I sprung that easily. It’s obvious you are trying to make a “backdoor” reference to the forbidden “word” by discussing your two examples. But which word are the two examples referencing, exactly? Let’s consider two possibilities.

    Is it “sloppy”? I admit that both vacuum cleaners and nursing babies can be “sloppy,” but why does that bother you so much? Or are you (as Kathrene so eloquently argued) criticizing my use of “shame?” If so, I’m confused. I mean, sure, our Kirby vacuum cleaner is “shameful” because it spits out more material than it osmoses, but really, Carolyn, to say a nursing baby is “shameful”?

    Although, you know what? Now that I think about it, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to remove your last comment from my blog. We cannot allow references to “a nursing baby” on this cite, for crying out loud! I’m trying to run a family operation here.

  11. yeezys says:

    I must convey my appreciation for your kind-heartedness for men and women who actually need help on this one area of interest. Your real commitment to passing the message across turned out to be remarkably productive and has surely made ladies just like me to achieve their dreams. Your personal insightful help and advice can mean a whole lot to me and somewhat more to my fellow workers. Warm regards; from all of us.